The 22nd Joint Meeting of the ENIC and NARIC Networks is held in Bregenz (Austria) from 7th to 9th June 2015

Tags: 22 enic-naric

The meeting is organised by the European Commission, the Council of Europe, UNESCO, ENIC-NARIC Austria in collaboration with the Region Vorarlberg.

This conference is designed for capacity-building of the ENICs and NARICs, strengthening the links between recognition and Quality Assurance, monitoring the implementation of the LRC and supporting the best recognition practices.

The participants will discuss new challenges in cross-border higher education and modern tendencies in recognition of joint degrees, refugees’ credentials and prior learning. Particular attention will be given to a new trend of automatic recognition.

At the conference the Russian delegation together with the representatives of the Centre of examination of foreign documents on education and the National information centre for academic recognition and mobility will present in the report the education system of Russia.

In addition the conference will hold ENIC Bureau and NARIC Advisory Board elections.